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Have we had the pleasure of meeting? Whether brief or a multitude of hours, one visit or a regular client, I cherish & appreciate respectful reviews from those whom I have seen! I ask that you only leave reviews on boards that I am active on, and those would include:


Any reviews from other sites are not to be trusted as a credible experience with me.

If you do not have an account on any of the aforementioned review boards, fret not! Please feel free to leave me a private testimony in the privacy of your preferred contact method with me and I will ensure that it is posted to my website promptly.

In your review, I ask that you leave super explicit details out. I believe that our time together is a unique experience and not *everything* we do should be discussed for all... don't you agree?

*Click on any review from a review board; it should take you directly to the review! (Private Testimonies won't be clickable)*

Reviews & Deposits: About
Reviews & Deposits: Pro Gallery
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